The state of microcirculatory tissue and endocrine factors in the rupture of hyper-hypoplastic processes of the endometrium and placental complex and etiopathogenetic directions for their correction and therapy

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0115U006647

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: life sciences, new technologies for the prevention and treatment of the most common diseases.

Research: applied

Funding source: free

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine

Availability of a patent: 1 patent of Ukraine.

What additional actions require further research: to be completed.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ONMedU, a statistically significant parallelism was established between the processes of telomerase reactivation in endometrial cells in women with complex atypical hyperplasia and the existence of tumors, telomerase activity, as an early marker of neoplasia and an increase in the level of proliferative ability of cells. The marker of telomerase activity should be taken into account when choosing the tactics and volume of surgical treatment in all age categories of women, and its activity dynamics to assess the effectiveness of conservative therapy. This development will improve the diagnostic accuracy of various treatment methods with the determination of the risk of malignancy in proliferative conditions of the endometrium with wide use in clinical practice.

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