Investigation of the thermophysical properties of nanoheat carriers and the process of convective heat transfer during their flow in a pipe

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U002289

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: energy and energy efficiency

Research: applied.

Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget

Prospect for further implementation: to be continued as a scientific and technical development.

Research level: no analogues in the world.

Patent: no.

What additional actions require further research: continuation of further research with the involvement of scientific funds or investors.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

One of the promising directions for improving the energy efficiency and competitiveness of various technological systems and installations that produce or consume thermal energy is the use of nanofluids instead of traditional coolants. The study is devoted to the development of scientific foundations for the introduction of new generation coolants – nanofluids – for heat exchange equipment for various purposes.

The paper proposes technologies for creating colloidally stable nanofluids that are promising as coolants or coolant components. A comprehensive theoretical and experimental study of the thermophysical properties of these nanofluids has been carried out. Large-scale experimental information on hydraulic and heat transfer parameters for nanofluidic flow in a pipe has been obtained in a wide range of nanoparticle concentrations and Reynolds numbers. An assessment of the feasibility of using nanofluids as heat carriers using energy indicators was carried out and a new eco-energy indicator was proposed to analyze the feasibility of introducing nano-heat carriers into thermal power equipment.

The results obtained are valuable in the design of heat and power equipment for new smoking. The introduction of the developed nanoheat carriers into industry will help reduce the weight and size characteristics of new heat exchange equipment, as well as intensify the heat transfer process and, as a result, increase the heat output in the installed equipment without its modernization.

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