Development of epoxy nanocomposites to increase the service life of marine, river transport and military equipment

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0120U101567.

Planned scope and specific place of application: Enterprises of machine, aircraft, and shipbuilding, chemical, food, oil refining, radar industries.

Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget.

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine.

Patent: no

Implementation: It is planned to be held at the enterprises of Ukraine and in the initial process for teaching the discipline “Materials Science and Technology of Materials”.

What additional actions require implementation: search for interested investors.

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

The subject of the study are epoxy composite materials and coatings containing ultra- and microfine fillers. The purpose of the work is to establish the main regularities of the impact of ultrafine filler on the characteristics of epoxy materials and to issue recommendations for the creation of coatings based on them to protect vehicles from corrosion and hydroabrasive action.

The project solved a scientific problem, which is to develop modified and protective coatings with improved performance for the restoration of vehicles.

On the basis of the conducted research and the results obtained, a new composite material and a coating based on it were created with the predicted properties of improving the repair and operational characteristics of the technological equipment of vehicles.

The developed composites in the complex are distinguished by high rates of adhesive, physical-mechanical, thermophysical properties, as well as temperature-time regimes for the formation of composites. Among the advantages is the use of components widely available on the territory of Ukraine and the introduction of nanoparticles at a minimum content, which does not have a significant impact on the final cost.

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