Development of antifriction nanocomposite materials to improve the operational characteristics of friction units of land and water transport

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0120U101566.

The area of ​​application and the specific place of application are planned: Enterprises of the ship-, auto-, machine-, aircraft building and chemical, food, oil refining, radar industries.

Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget.

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine.

Availability of a patent: Sample for tensile testing of composite materials: Pat. 144176 Ukraine, IPC (2006.01) G01N 3/08. No. u 202001975; dec. 03/23/2020; publ. 09/10/2020, bul. No. 17.

Implementation: Experimental results are planned to be introduced in the educational process for teaching the disciplines “Technology of structural materials”, “Organization and technology of ship repair” and the course of disciplines “Combined materials for structural purposes” and “Technological materials for friction units” for the preparation of graduate students.

What additional actions require implementation: search for interested investors.

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

The subject of the study is the physicochemical regularities of the process of formation of composites based on epoxy resins filled with nano-, nano-, dispersed properties. The purpose of the study is to establish the main patterns of the effect of nano-, microdispersed and thermoplastic fillers in a thermosetting binder on the physical-mechanical, thermophysical and tribological properties of epoxy composites and to create anti-friction materials for friction units of technicians on their basis. The project solved the scientific problem of creating and using composite materials and coatings based on an epoxy binder with the introduction of a modifier, nano-, microdispersed fillers and thermoplastic, which will increase the overhaul life of parts of process equipment and devices for various functional purposes, and increase wear resistance. impact strength of the surfaces of structural parts.

A method for increasing the overhaul life of parts and mechanisms has been determined, which consists in the development and use of epoxy modified with a complex of improved properties. Experimental studies have been carried out to establish the effect of nano-, dispersed fillers and thermoplastics on the adhesive, physical-mechanical, thermophysical properties and structure of composite materials.

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