Solar air conditioning installation

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0115U000285

Planned field of application and specific place of application: Manufacture of industrial refrigeration and ventilation equipment, LLC “VENT-SERVIS”

Funding source: means of the general fund of the state budget;

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine

Availability of a patent: Air conditioning unit, patent for invention No. 120954, date of publication. 03/10/2020

Availability of an interested Customer: LLC “VENT-SERVICE”

Implementation: planned in the production preparation department of VENT-SERVICE LLC

What additional actions are required to be implemented: requires putting into production

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

A solar air conditioning system (SSAC) is proposed that uses the natural non-equilibrium of atmospheric air – the psychrometric temperature difference. An alternative air conditioning unit is built on the basis of evaporative cooling and pre-drying of the air, due to which the psychrometric difference in air temperatures increases and it becomes possible to enter the comfort zone without the use of a vapor compression refrigeration cycle. The air is dried in the absorber with a solution of lithium bromide, for the regeneration of which the heat produced by solar collectors is used. Considering that the temperature of the absorbent increases during the absorption process, the circuit provides for the removal of the heat of absorption by water pre-cooled in the cooling tower. All heat and mass transfer apparatuses in the installation are made according to the transverse scheme based on a regular packing. This approach made it possible to minimize the aerodynamic drag of the vehicles and their dimensions.

It has been established that the total electric power of fans and pumps in the SSPC scheme is 53% of the power consumed by a chiller of the same cooling capacity, and the payback period at existing electricity tariffs is 4 years. But the most important circumstance is the absence of ozone-depleting freons, and, consequently, a decrease in the man-made impact on the environment.

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