Structural synthesis of electromagnetic systems of single-phase transformers and reactors

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0117U005255

Planned scope and specific place of application: public joint-stock company “Ingul” (Nikolaev transformer plant); LLC PKP “Respect Business”.

Source of financing: own funds – funds of enterprises, institutions, organizations, individuals for the implementation of initiative work.

Level of innovation: no analogues in the world.


Patent 136570 Ukraine IPC HO1F 27/24 (2006.01). Transformer magnetic core / A.A. Stavinsky, O.A. Avdeeva, O.M. Tsyganov, R.A. Stavinsky, A.S. Sadovy, L.V. Vakhonin –

No. U 201902188; publ. 27.08. 2019, Bull. No. 16.

Patent 136320 Ukraine IPC HO1F 27/24 (2006.01). Transformer magnetic core / A.A. Stavinsky, O.A. Avdeeva, O.M. Tsyganov, R.A. Stavinsky, A.S. Sadovy, L.V. Vakhonin –

No. U 201902462; publ. 12.08. 2019, Bull. No. 15.

Patent 141816 Ukraine IPC HO1F 27/24 (2006.01). Transformer magnetic core / A.A. Stavinsky, O.A. Avdeeva, O.M. Tsyganov, R.A. Stavinsky, A.S. Sadovy, L.V. Vakhonin –

No. U 2019 10687; publ. 27.04. 2020, Bull. No. 8.

Presence of an interested Customer: Public Joint Stock Company “Ingul” (Nikolaev Transformer Plant)

Implementation: took place (Public Joint Stock Company “Ingul” (Nikolaev Transformer Plant);

What additional actions require implementation: research of physical samples of innovative non-waste electromagnetic static devices.

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

The scientific work is aimed at solving the actual scientific problem of saving energy and material resources in the production of single-phase static electromagnetic devices of low and medium power for general purposes, as well as special compact transformers used for embedding in cylindrical and spherical shells of limited diameter.

The analysis of known designs of electromagnetic systems of electromagnetic static devices is carried out and technical solutions for their improvement are proposed by replacing the traditional rectangular generatrix of the rods and winding coils on a hexagon, as well as by using a spatial three-rod structure of the magnetic circuit.

It is determined that when using hexagonal sections of rods, the change in the value of mass, cost and active power losses in traditional structures of magnetic circuits of electromagnetic systems of the corresponding analogs with rectangular sections of rods improves within a few percent. The use of options for a radial three-rod structure with rectangular and hexagonal sections of the rods improves the indicated indicators relative to the basic rod analogue by (7.6 … 8.1)%, (6.2 … 6.9)% and (5.5 … 7)%, respectively and (13.9…14.9)%, (10.3…12.0)% and (8.2…12.2)%.

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