Innovative processes in the regions based on the introduction of renewable energy: from theory to practice

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0117U0066537

Planned scope and specific place of application: Kherson region

Source of funding: own funds of an individual for the implementation of initiative work; free of charge

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine

Patent: no

What additional actions need to be implemented: means of a special fund of the state budget.

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

In order to improve the economic efficiency of regional renewable energy, a systematic comparative analysis of the potential of the following types of renewable energy sources for each of the regions of Ukraine was carried out: solar energy, hydropower of small rivers, wind energy, hydrothermal energy, environmental energy, bioenergy, energy. Also, the total regional technically achievable energy potential is presented. RES in terms of conventional fuel, which will allow further development of energy strategies in individual regions and is the basis for the implementation of new RES projects at the mesolevel.

Based on preliminary studies in order to improve the tools for developing and evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of innovative and investment projects of renewable energy on the example of the author’s project of the Tavricheskaya solar power plant (Kherson region, Ukraine), the economically viable potential, conditions and trends in the development of renewable energy in Kherson were studied and calculated key parameters of the proposed project (estimated cost of the project, performance indicators of innovations in the construction project, accumulated funds of the project initiator, etc.).

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