Development of modules for automation of wireless devices for the recovery of post-infarction, post-stroke patients in individual conditions of remote rehabilitation

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0121U109898

What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: life sciences, new technologies for the prevention and treatment of the most common diseases

Research: applied (scientific and technical development)

Funding source: state budget: general fund of the state budget

Amount of financing: 500 – 1000 thousand UAH. (940.5 thousand UAH)

Year of study start: 2021

The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 2021-2022.

Prospect for further implementation in 2022 – 2023: to be continued as a scientific and technical development

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine

Availability of a patent: 3 patents of Ukraine.

Additional actions requiring further study: additional funding; modern scientific equipment; search for interested investors; approval of normative documentation

Participation of the institution in the existing regional targeted and integrated programs: Peter Mohyla Black Sea National University didn’t participate.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

The goal of the project is to develop modules and components for the automation of wireless devices for effective and controlled rehabilitation recovery of post-infarction, post-stroke and affected with abnormal muscle activity patients in the conditions of individual remote procedures, during which the patient’s condition indicators are monitored, recorded and transmitted. all parameters by automating procedures and transmitting secure data over radio channels.

Software has been developed as a tool for intellectual analysis of the properties of general indicators of the state and the construction of logical rules for information supplementation and processing of time series. The problem of determining the minimum structure of a system of sensors, instruments, devices, united by an automation module and the maximum quality of the module is posed and solved. Remote operation of equipment requires control and monitoring of the state of the device and additional configuration and maintenance during recovery procedures. In this regard, new technical requirements formed for wireless devices are defined with separate redundant modules with a high level of reliability and self-diagnostic functions. The new function of information exchange modules with servers of hospitals, military hospitals and cloud services, carried out through open communication channels, opens up the possibility of their distribution and application regardless of the country.

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