Functional nanomaterials with surface plasmon resonance for use in biosensors and medicine

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U002197

What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: new substances and materials

Research: applied

Funding source: state budget – general fund of the state budget

The amount of financing: more than 1000 thousand UAH. (1659 thousand UAH)

Year of study start: 2019

The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 3 years

Prospect for further implementation in 2022-2023: to be completed

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine

Patent: A method for assessing the effect of silver nanoparticles activated by plasmon resonance on the functional activity of blood cells. PU No. 119402 of 06/10/2019.

Additional actions requiring further study: additional funding; search for interested investors

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application. Technological conditions for the ecological and economic synthesis of new functional materials based on cadmium sulfide quantum dots (CdS QDs) have been developed. Proposed means and mechanisms for increasing the luminescence intensity of CdS QDs by doping with impurities, passive surface states of QDs, and creating a nanostructure of the core type (CdS QD) – inorganic shell (ZnS). In collaboration with the Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy. V.P. Filatov was the first to study the effect of the energy of plasmonic vibrations of Ag NPs on the mechanisms of interaction with immunoactive blood cells.

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