Method for processing dyed cotton textile materials in order to provide a stable light-shielding effect

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U100156

Year of study start: 2019

The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 3 years

Intended branch of application and specific site of application: textile industry

Funding source: state budget; general fund of the state budget

The amount of financing: more than 1000 thousand UAH.

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine

Availability of a patent: 1 patent of Ukraine

Availability of an interested Customer: Specialists in the textile industry

Implementation: planned for 2022-2025, textile industry enterprises

Additional actions requiring further implementation: finding interested investors

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities. A method for treating dyed cotton textile materials with a polymeric composition of light stabilizers, in which the dyed textile material is treated at a bath modulus M = 20 and a temperature of 25°C, the samples are wrung out and dried at 85°C for 8 minutes, and a thermal treatment is carried out. Duration of treatment of cotton textile materials is 2 minutes, the samples are squeezed to a moisture content of 100%. At the same time, the processing composition consists of light stabilizers – 2,4 dihydroxybenzophenone, hydroquinone and a polymer – styrene-acrylic copolymer.

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