Method for intravitreal chemotherapy of retinoblastoma

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U103092

Year of study start: 2020

Funding source: state budget, general fund of the state budget

The amount of financing: less than 100 thousand UAH. (5040.76 thousand UAH)

Level of innovation: no analogues in Ukraine

Availability of a patent: 1 patent of Ukraine.

Implementation: happened

Additional actions requiring further implementation: additional funding; state support

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

This method makes it possible to avoid additional intraocular manipulations to achieve hypotension of the eye by preoperative intramuscular injection of a diuretic at an age-specific dosage, prevention of reflux from the vitreous body due to a number of manipulations: displacement of the conjunctiva above the IS injection site, creation of an oblique canal, tamponade of the scleral puncture site with a tupfer and subconjunctival administration of an antibiotic solution, which also prevents infection of the vitreous body; shaking the eye with tweezers to evenly distribute the drug in the vetreus, the choice of different time meridians with repeated TCI is the prevention of thinning of the sclera, subtrophy of the ciliary body.

The application of the method allows to achieve intraocular hypotension without additional paracentesis; to ensure the absence of vitreous reflux, prevention of vetral infection and thinning of the sclera, to ensure minimally invasiveness, safety and, most importantly, ablasticity of IVH. The developed method for the treatment of RP, simple and affordable for any clinic, provides the highest probability of saving the eye affected by RP with the preservation of residual vision, does not require additional intraocular manipulations, and provides minimally invasiveness and ablasticity of intravitreal injections.

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