Restoration technology of railway wheels by arc surfacing

Purpose. For the restoration of railway wheels by arc welding.

Specifications. Mechanical properties of the deposited metal: HB = 2800–3200 MPa, σB ≥ 730 MPa, δ5 ≥ 16%, ≥ 50%, KCU+20 ≥ 80 J/cm2, KCU–40 ≥ 40 J/cm2. Mechanical properties of railway wheel metal in the heat affected zone: HB ≤ 3200 MPa, σB = 940–1100 MPa, δ5 ≥ 8%, ≥ 25%, KCU+20 ≥ 24 J/cm2. Resistance to brittle fracture of deposited metal and railway wheel metal in the heat affected zone in terms of critical stress intensity factor К1С ≥ 40 MPa/m

Application area. Engineering.

Advantages. 2.5 times increase in resistance to deposited metal and railway wheel metal in the heat-affected zone, crack formation during cyclic and shock loads; 1.5–2 times reduction in deposited metal wear.

Description. Restoration of the thickness of the ridge after wear and repair of “vysherbins” on the rolling surface of solid-rolled wheels of freight cars and shroud wheels of locomotives of mainline railway transport, railway transport of industrial enterprises, wheels of tram cars of urban passenger transport, running wheels of tower cranes carbon up to 0.70%.

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