Information technology for complex assessment of complex hierarchically networked systems

Purpose. To evaluate in real time the status and quality of functioning of complex hierarchically networked systems.

Application area. Transport systems of a city or region, water, gas, energy supply systems, etc.

Advantages. There are no direct analogues of such technology either in Ukraine or in the world. Known assessment approaches usually only visualize the primary data on the quality of the system functioning and use the simplest means of aggregation and forecasting. As a result of the application of the technology, we obtain estimates that allow us to localize the emergency situation quite accurately and predict its further development.

Description. The technology is based on a combination of methods of local, predictive, interactive and aggregated assessment of the main objects of a complex dynamic system, the use of an updated scoring scale and the use of modern software and hardware for their implementation. It makes it possible to obtain a complete, adequate and holistic view of the state and quality of the functioning of the elements of the system under study and its subsystems at all levels of structuring.

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