Hemostatic sponges

Purpose. The hemostatic sponge has high biocompatibility, antibacterial properties and is completely degraded without the development of scar tissue.

Application area. Medicine.

Advantages. Experimental use of the sponge has proven its effectiveness at the level of advanced world analogues in stopping bleeding from the liver and kidney parenchyma. The time for bleeding cessation and the volume of blood loss when using a chitosan hemostatic sponge did not exceed those of world analogues.

Advantages of development:

  • there are no analogues in Ukraine;
  • ease of production;
  • low cost of components;
  • ease of use.

Description. The essence of the development is the use of freeze-dried sponges based on chitosan polysaccharide with the addition of an antifibrinolytic agent. The use of freeze-dried technology makes it possible to create a highly porous biodegradable sponge with high sorption activity, which can effectively stop bleeding from parenchymal organs during penetrating wounds and ruptures. The addition of an antifibrinolytic agent increases the rate of bleeding cessation. The efficiency of the material is significantly superior to Ukrainian analogues. The hemostatic sponge has high biocompatibility, antibacterial properties and is completely degraded without the development of scar tissue.

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