Carbon mass degassing technology

Purpose. Degassing of carbon mass for efficient and safe extraction of coal reserves.

Specifications. When using the technology of degassing the rock-coal massif with wells oriented towards the production face, the value of methane production during its capture, within the degassing of the formation, in parallel with single wells increases by the intensification factor of methane release into the wells by 20 – 5.

Application area. Mining and gas industry enterprises.

Advantages. The formulated technological solutions ensure the process of continuous construction of degassing pipelines of the required length without butt joints in the workings of coal mines, taking into account all technological distances and sections of both preparatory and capital mine workings. The efficiency coefficient of degassing in the reverse order of mining the extraction column, compared to analogues, increases by 0.12 when using wells drilled above the production space from a specially made excavation in the roof of the formation to a height of at least 4 or 5 times the thickness of the formation and 0.2 when the use of wells drilled from a ventilation drift above a rock collapse dome at a face advance speed of less than 2.5 m/day.

Technical and economic effect. The proposed technological scheme for degassing provides the ability to control the process of coal mine methane production. By simplifying the technological process of degassing, it becomes possible to expand the area of effective use of the mine gas capture system, reducing the time for carrying out preparatory work for degassing and increasing the load on the working face. For example, when degassing coal and rock masses at the mines of DTEK Pavlograd Coal, the average volume of captured methane gas is about 47 million m3. The average price of methane gas at gas stations is UAH 21.90. Therefore, when reorienting the obtained mine gas to refuel cars, you can get an income of 1029.3 million UAH. At the same time, the proposed technology makes it possible to increase degassing indicators by 12%, which in monetary terms is UAH 123.5 million. The introduction of this technology significantly affects the safety of mining operations, and the capture of mine methane makes it impossible to release it into the environment.

Description. Extraction of captured methane in coal mines to reduce the methane abundance of mine workings and combat unusual gas emissions, which leads to increased mining safety, simplified coal mining technology, and increased productivity of workers and the coal mine as a whole. The proposed technology, by introducing new operations in a single technological process, regardless of the operating conditions of coal deposits, ensures the efficiency of the degassing system while ensuring the safety of mining operations. This technology ensures the process of continuous construction of a degassing pipeline of the required length without butt joints in the workings of coal mines, taking into account all technological distances, taking into account the values of the maximum deflection boom length while reducing labor costs and operating safety of the system as a whole.

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