from May 27 to May 31, 2024, Open Government Week will last

Open Government Week is a measure aimed at developing democracy, increasing the level of openness of public administration and establishing cooperation between the public and authorities.

Our country, as a participant in the international initiative “Open Government Partnership”, joins this event by organizing a number of events in the scientific sector in partnership with international organizations.

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine invites you to take part in the following events:

1. Open webinar “Science in Ukraine: on the path to openness” in partnership with the State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine and Clarivate.


Analysis of the state of Ukrainian science according to Web of Science and InCites. How the open access movement has impacted science.
The role of the National Electronic Scientific Information System URIS and the roadmap for its further development. Capabilities of the URIS system for reporting institutions of higher education and scientific institutions.

Date: May 29 at 10:00.

Registration by the link.

2. Online discussion “Open science and open government: applying the recommendations of the Open4UA project” in partnership with the Open4UA consortium.


Applicability of the Open4UA project recommendations for the implementation of open government in Ukraine.

Date: May 31 at 13:00.

Details by the link.