On May 28, as part of Open Government Week, a webinar “Weathering the Storm: A Closer Look at Ukrainian Scientists and Their Needs in Wartime” will be held

Speaker – Anastasia Lutsenko, Scientific Coordinator of Academ.City, Kiev Academic University of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition.

Organizer – State Scientific Institution “Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Expertise and Information”.

Wars have a significant impact on the sustainability of scientific systems and scientists, often resulting in decreased research funding, disruptions in scientific communities, and the cessation of research processes. However, they also contribute to the emergence of new technological advances. Researchers, as a key source of scientific knowledge, play a critical role in maintaining the productivity and progress of science during conflict. However, the lack of empirical data on this issue often limits the evidence for decision making. In our study, we aim to examine the impact of war on the perceived productivity of scientists by considering the example of the ongoing war in Ukraine. By exploring the challenges researchers face and the factors that contribute to their resilience, we aim to provide valuable insight into the needs of wartime science. Understanding the experiences and needs of scientists can help develop policies and strategies that support and enhance the resilience of scientific systems during times of crisis.

Login without prior registration using via the link http://webinar.ukrintei.ua/

For those who cannot attend the seminar, but are interested in the topic, the recording and presentation will be outlined in the Archived Records via the link http://webinar.ukrintei.ua/.

Those wishing to receive an electronic certificate should contact the organizers.


Matusevych Victoria (050) 351-59-22, vv.matusevych@gmail.com