A competition of startup projects for MSMEs of the Kremenchug MTG has been announced

The Executive Committee of the Kremenchug City Council announced a startup competition on the territory of the Kremenchug City Territorial Society in 2024. The initiative is aimed at creating conditions for the sustainable development of entrepreneurship and overcoming the negative economic consequences of war by involving existing entrepreneurs or individuals wishing to carry out entrepreneurial activities in the development and implementation of start-ups and business ideas. The project that wins the competition will receive financial support in the amount of UAH 100,000 for the development of the startup.

Among the main objectives of the competition:

  • Stimulating socio-economic transformations in society through business activities, in particular, creating jobs, which will improve the lives of citizens and intensify the activities of public initiatives.
  • Identification and support of interesting entrepreneurial start-ups and business ideas that will contribute to the self-organization of the local population.
  • Searching for new effective innovative practices that encourage citizens to become self-employed and create small and medium-sized enterprises.

The priority areas for creating startup projects are:

  • women’s and social entrepreneurship;
  • tourism, leisure and recreation;
  • innovative solutions in the IT industry;
  • environmentally friendly production technologies;
  • introduction of the use of alternative energy sources;
  • development of the creative industry;
  • human development;
  • development of the foodtech industry;
  • transport and logistics infrastructure.

The competition will be held in three stages:

  • Accepting applications for participation.
  • Processing of submitted startup projects by an expert commission. Based on certain criteria, 5 finalists will be selected.
  • Public defense of startups during the business festival, which will be held in July 2024. Members of the public jury determine the winner of the competition, who received a certificate to finance their startup in the amount of UAH 100,000.

For whom?

The following can take part in the competition:

  • citizens of Ukraine, including internally displaced persons, who have supporting documents confirming the registration of their temporary place of residence (location)
  • business entities: individual entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized enterprises, registered territories of the Kremenchug city territorial community.

One applicant is allowed to submit only one business idea.

How to participate?

To participate in the competition, you need to fill out an application form, and then prepare a presentation of your startup/business idea in PDF or PowerPoint format. The deadline for submission is June 25, 2024.

For additional information, please call +38(067) 976 59 80 and +38(097) 713 48 30 or email kremen.develop@gmail.com

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