On June 11, 2024, the next lecture of the Kharkiv Quantum Seminar will take place

The event will take place at 16.00 in an online format.


Dr. Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba (Quantum Motion Technologies, London, UK), Lead Quantum Engineer at Quantum Motion Technologies, which specializes in developing quantum computing architectures compatible with standard silicon technologies.

In his talk, Dr. Gonzalez-Zalba will provide an overview of silicon-based quantum computing, from the physics of spin qubits to technological applications. He will discuss current achievements in this area, existing problems and development prospects, and will also present his company’s achievements, in particular, on quantum devices with 1024 silicon quantum dots.


“Quantum computing with silicon technology.”

Event organizers:

Physicotechnical Institute of Low Temperatures named after. B.I. Verkin NAS of Ukraine (Dr. S.M. Shevchenko) and National Scientific Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology” (Dr. A.G. Sotnikov) .


Conference ID: 84858248436

Conference code: 929397

Detailed information: Kharkiv Quantum Seminar