Control of an asynchronous electric drive based on an autonomous current inverter and an active rectifier

Purpose. Control for asynchronous electric drive based on AIS and active rectifier.

Application area. Asynchronous electric drive based on AIS and an active rectifier with developed control methods can be used in any industry and business area.

Advantages. The developed control for an asynchronous electric drive based on an AIS and an active rectifier makes it possible to achieve the technical and economic indicators of modern electric drives with an autonomous voltage inverter and an AIS produced by leading foreign companies (Siemens, ABB, Allen-Bradley, etc.).

Technical and economic effect. The introduction of an asynchronous electric drive with AIS by upgrading existing thyristor DC electric drives is characterized by reduced capital costs (1.3-1.5 times), since part of the electrical equipment that was used in the direct current electric drive (circuit breaker, current-limiting and smoothing reactors) is a set a three-phase controlled thyristor rectifier (pulse-phase control system) can be used in the proposed AIS-based electronic device.

Description. Methods have been developed for predictive relay vector control of an autonomous current inverter (AIC) and an active rectifier as part of an asynchronous electric drive (ED), which make it possible to create an effective AC ED for wide general industrial purposes while simplifying the technical implementation and reducing the cost of the ED automatic control system, as well as accuracy and speed. regulation and improved electromagnetic compatibility of the specified electronic device with the power supply network. In the created asynchronous ED based on AIS and an active rectifier, using the proposed control, a normalized high quality of regulation of ED parameters in the operating ranges of speed and load changes was obtained, characterized by: the processing time of a double task for the active projection of the stator current vector is less than 10 ms; speed bandwidth 32Hz; total harmonic distortion coefficient for stator and mains currents is less than 5%; the overall power factor of the three-phase supply network is greater than 0.99; increased by (3 – 5) times or more (due to a decrease in the steepness of the supply voltage fronts) the service life of the asynchronous motor in operation.

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