Method of controlling an active filter and an energy-saving power supply system based on it

Purpose. For significant energy savings – in the amount of (1-2.5)% of the electricity transmitted through the power supply network.

Application area. The proposed energy-saving power supply system can be used in any industry in all areas of management.

Advantages. The proposed energy-saving power supply system surpasses all known foreign and domestic analogues in terms of speed and accuracy of compensation of reactive power and distortion power, symmetrization of network phase currents, as well as reduction of network power losses in power supply networks when transmitting electricity to various (linear and nonlinear) asymmetric) three-phase electrical consumers, including existing DC and AC electric drives.

Technical and economic effect. The developed method of automatic control of an active filter (which allows for fast and accurate compensation of reactive power and distortion power) and an energy-saving power supply system provide a power factor close to unity (for any loads), which allows for significant (depending on the load) energy savings – in the amount of (1-2.5)% of the electricity transmitted through the power supply network. The specified energy saving provides savings in electricity payments in the amount of (1 – 2.2) kopecks or more per 1 kW•h of active electricity and (0.9 – 1.5) kopecks per 1 kvar•g of reactive electricity.

Description. A relay-vector method of controlling an active filter is proposed, on the basis of which an energy-saving power supply system for a three-wire and four-wire three-phase power supply network is created. The specified power supply system ensures: compensation of reactive power and distortion power (characterized by the network power factor in dynamic modes – more than 0.98, and in stable modes – more than 0.99); symmetry of the effective values ​​of network phase currents (with a difference between them less than ±3%); reduction of the current in the neutral wire of the four-wire power supply network to almost zero; the total harmonic distortion factor of network currents is less than 5%; reduction of power losses – by (1.5-4) times or more.

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