Charge and size effects in nanostructures and clusters

Purpose. To interpret experimental current-voltage characteristics of tunnel structures on quantum metal dots.

Application area. Organizations performing research in the field of nanotechnology

Advantages. Fundamental research is carried out in line with the world’s promising research in nanophysics. The method for calculating miniature tunnel structures allows interpreting experimental current-voltage characteristics without resorting to the common, but not always able to reflect the full physical picture, approach using circuit fitting parameters. The proposed method for calculating optical characteristics is distinguished by a more complete consideration of the effects of size quantization. The proposed method for calculating the effect of deformation and dielectric coating of a metal surface on the energy characteristics of a metal is distinguished by a more complete consideration of the effects of size quantization.

Technical and economic effect. The work is of a fundamental and theoretical nature, the performance indicators are the introduction into the educational process of training specialists in the specialty 8.050801 “Micro- and Nanoelectronics”, publications in scientific journals and participation in conferences.

Description. An original method for calculating the current-voltage characteristics of tunnel structures on metal quantum dots has been developed. For the first time, calculations were performed using a realistic (non-equidistant) spectrum, due to which it was found that the size dependence of the current gap can be non-monotonic, associated with the magic of clusters. A theory of optical characteristics of subatomic metal films and wires has been developed. The calculations take into account special features associated with dimensional quantization and the non-monotonic dependence of the Fermi energy on thickness. Studies of the effect of deformation and dielectric coating of a metal surface on the energy characteristics of the metal have shown that the dielectric coating leads to a decrease in the yield and an increase in the surface energy.

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