Study of the influence of atomic hydrogen on thin metal films and heterostructures with metal films

Purpose. To establish the basic physical laws of the processes occurring in thin metal films and heterostructures based on them under the influence of atomic hydrogen.

Scope. The results of the development can be used at enterprises of the electronic industry, instrument making.

Advantages. In comparison with the known and used methods of changing the electrophysical parameters, such as laser annealing, high-temperature annealing, the modification of the electrophysical parameters of thin metal films under the influence of atomic hydrogen is characterized by greater process controllability, lesser influence on the initial parameters of the substrates.

Technical and economic effect. The work is devoted to establishing the basic physical laws of the processes occurring in thin metal films and heterostructures based on them under the influence of atomic hydrogen. Based on the identified processes of interaction of atomic hydrogen with thin metal films and heterostructures based on them, it is possible to formulate concepts of low-temperature control technology of both the electrophysical properties of thin metal films and heterostructures based on them. Under the influence of the mechanisms occurring, it is possible to change the electrical conductivity of thin metal films (both in the direction of increase, under the condition of a defective film, and in the direction of decrease), to increase the adhesive and cohesive properties of films, the tensometric coefficient of films, and the electrical properties of the metal-semiconductor contact.

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