Increasing the load-bearing capacity of gas turbine engine compressor blades by using complex reinforcement

Purpose. To increase the load-bearing capacity of gas turbine engine compressor blades by using complex strengthening

Scope. The scientific results of the work can be used in mechanical engineering.

Advantages. The results obtained have no analogues.

Technical and economic effect. The development can be implemented at enterprises producing and repairing gas turbine engines and aircraft. It will allow creating a competitive technology for finishing compressor blades made of titanium alloys and increasing the service life of helicopter engines operated in countries such as Algeria, Egypt, Libya and others.

Description. Conducting an analysis of the main operational damage and technological microdefects that reduce the load-bearing capacity of TV3-117 and TV3-117VMA-SBM1 engine compressor blades; substantiation of a new approach to finishing the feather of titanium alloy blades based on deformation strengthening with balls and application of diffusion erosion-resistant coatings; performing systemic studies of the characteristics of the surface layer, endurance parameters and impact strength of blades processed using complex methods; metallographic and metallophysical studies of destroyed blades, as well as studying the effect of changes in the geometric parameters of blades during complex processing on the oscillation frequency.

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