Mathematical modeling of electromagnetic wave scattering by geometrically complex and impedance structures

Purpose. For designing new devices of ultra-high-frequency technology and allows to speed up obtaining the final product

Scope. Organizations performing research work in aerospace communication systems, waveguide and antenna technology can be involved in experimental testing and practical application of the results.

Advantages. The obtained scientific results contribute to the development of new areas of modern radiophysics. The reliability of the results of the work is confirmed by the coincidence in boundary cases of the obtained numerical data with the known theoretical and practical results of other authors, which are in the literature. The validity of the obtained results and conclusions is ensured by the correct use of existing methods for solving initial-boundary value problems of electrodynamics, a clear statement of problems and confirmation of the main results.

Technical and economic effect. This technology reduces the cost of designing new devices of ultra-high-frequency technology and allows to speed up obtaining the final product. The cost of implementation consists only of the cost of Pentium IV level computers and the cost of programmers.

Description. The advantages of the product of areas method used in this development are the possibility of solving both internal and external problems of electrodynamics; a wide class of waveguide structures that can be calculated by this method (these include any polygonal non-coordinate cylindrical structures); the volume of computer calculations is quite small compared to other methods. The essence of the development is the creation of algorithms for solving boundary value problems for the Helmholtz equation, applicable in promising information technologies and communication systems, transformers of electromagnetic waves with geometrically complex and impedance boundaries or filled with an inhomogeneous fractal medium. The studies were carried out based on the method of differential integral alpha forms. A new method for studying the scattering of a wave field on convex two- and three-dimensional bodies is proposed. Similar to the method of physical optics, the local nature of the field on the surface was used. However, its curvature was taken into account. As a result, while maintaining the simplicity of the solution comparable to the FL method, it was possible to significantly improve the accuracy of calculating the scattered field.

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