Energy-saving control in automated electric drive systems and improvement of payment of electric consumers for reactive energy

Purpose. To calculate power losses in frequency-controlled asynchronous electric drives with pulse-width modulation and energy losses in the power system from the impact of reactive power of an individual electric consumer.

Scope. Large, medium and small enterprises engaged in the development, manufacture and commissioning of frequency-controlled asynchronous electric drives. Energy supply companies engaged in the transportation of electricity, and organizations developing electricity tariffs in Ukraine.

Advantages. The proposed energy-saving control, according to our information, is not yet used by global manufacturers of electric drives and foreign energy systems. The introduction of optimal (minimum total losses) control in domestic frequency-controlled asynchronous electric drives will increase the efficiency to the level and above the best samples of leading world manufacturers (Siemens, ABB, Danfoss, etc.).

Technical and economic effect. Optimal energy-saving control in electric drives will allow saving about 200 kWh of electricity per year (or more than 50 UAH/kW) per 1 kW of installed electric drive capacity, and in existing power systems — increasing the throughput capacity of sections of power transmission companies by (3–13)%, reducing power losses by (8–26)% in the power system during transmission of electricity to consumers, which in monetary terms will amount to savings from 0.5 to 2.4 million UAH per year for one power substation.

Description. Clarified dependencies are proposed for calculating power losses in frequency-controlled asynchronous electric drives with pulse-width modulation and electricity losses in the power system from the impact of reactive power of an individual electric consumer. Energy-saving algorithms for controlling the specified electric drives and power systems have been created, and methods for paying the electric consumer for reactive electric power have been clarified (taking into account the actual damage caused to the power system by the reactive power of an individual electric consumer).

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