Measuring system for non-destructive testing of metal rods

Purpose. Checking the quality of the connection (this is especially important for welding high-pressure pipelines), the condition of the structure in construction (metal, reinforced concrete), the degree of wear of the mechanism, the presence of damage to the part.

Scope. It can be used in mechanical engineering, energy, metallurgy, railway, aviation, automobile and pipeline transport to control the products of the main production and process equipment. In almost all industries where it is important to control the condition and compliance with the standards of rigid elements.

Advantages. This system allows you to detect and identify a significant part of damage, both flood and deep in industrial conditions with high accuracy, sensitivity and speed.

Description. The circuit allows you to compensate for the main methodological errors of the eddy current bridge-type flaw detector with an electronic simulator of the standard inductance in a wide frequency range, which provides high metrological characteristics in a wide frequency range of separate measurement of the components of the sensor impedance, which allows you to reduce the methodological errors in determining the main characteristics of the output signals.

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