Technology of pig breeding using biologically active additives with chelated microelements in the diet

Purpose. Development of an optimized technology for growing young pigs using biologically active additives with chelated microelements in feeding for maximum realization of genetic potential.

Technical properties. The technology provides for the use of chelated microelements in feeding young pigs as part of biologically active additives, regardless of the fattening period. The use of such additives in the diets of young pigs during fattening has affected the increase in live weight gain by 9.1-9.5%, a decrease in feed consumption by 6.2%, improved hematological blood picture, increased meat yield by 4.5-6.2%, improved meat quality of pork due to an increase in the meat index by 3.9%, its nutritional value, as well as economic efficiency due to additional profit from the sale of pigs with a higher live weight.

Scope. Animal husbandry. Breeding dairy cattle.

Advantages. A method is proposed for increasing the productivity of young pigs, optimizing metabolic processes and improving the quality of pork under conditions of microelement deficiency by adding various biologically active additives with chelated microelements to rations during the fattening period.

Technical and economic effect. The proposed technology for growing young pigs using biologically active additives with chelated microelements in feeding for the failing conditions increases the live weight of pigs during the study, reduces feed consumption per unit of production, which is economically beneficial for obtaining additional profit from the sale of pigs with a greater. The social effect consists in saturating the consumer market of Ukraine, enriching the diets of the population with high-quality meat products.

Description. The effect of using glycinate and chelated copper methionate, protein-vitamin-mineral premix and acidifier with microelement chelates in the diet of young pigs on nutrient metabolism, growth rate, slaughter indicators was studied, changes in the physicochemical parameters of pork were analyzed. feeding a chelated copper complex, the effect of the acidifier Kronocide-L with microelement chelates added to the diet on the hematological parameters of pigs was established. Recommendations for the use of biologically active additives in the diet of young pigs were developed. The development is aimed at ensuring food security of Ukraine, increasing the profitability of pork production, improving the quality of products. The use of this technology for growing young pigs allows for the efficient use of nutrients in the diet, reduces feed consumption per unit of production, and creates optimal conditions for obtaining high-quality pork.

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