Technology of production of functional sausage products using by-products of oilseed processing

Purpose. To expand the range of sausage products with a combined composition of raw materials using dietary fiber with functional and technological properties that stabilize the quality of meat raw materials to create functional products.

Technical specifications. Organoleptic quality indicators of cooked-smoked sausage products: sausage sticks with a clean, dry surface, without spots, the surface is dark red, on the cut – from light pink to dark pink with a barely noticeable yellowish tint, pronounced meaty smell, consistency. , lard is evenly distributed, minced meat without gray spots and voids, there are barely noticeable inclusions of vegetable additives, a pleasant meaty taste, slightly spicy, moderately salty, without foreign taste, inherent in this type of product. Physicochemical quality indicators of sausage products: moisture content – 50%, protein content – 15.5%, fat content – 43%.

Scope. Food and processing industries.

Advantages. Food additives of plant origin give sausages an appetizing appearance, proper texture and consistency, pleasant taste while significantly reducing the cost of their production. With the optimal selection of the recipe, food additives of plant origin help to balance the products in terms of nutritional value. It is advisable to recommend them for mass consumption and healthy nutrition.

Technical and economic effect. The economic effect consists in increasing the enterprise’s profit by 8.50 thousand UAH per 1 ton, due to the replacement of 10% of meat and fat raw materials with hydrated vegetable fiber in the recipe. The social effect consists in expanding the range of functional meat products for mass consumption with an increased content of dietary fiber, biologically valuable proteins, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Description. The technology is based on the idea of ​​​​joint use of by-products of oil production processing with a high content of functional plant ingredients, fiber from pumpkin seeds and from industrial hemp seeds, to increase the biological value and improve the organoleptic properties of meat products. The stage of preparation of plant ingredients includes the following operations: purification of fiber from foreign impurities, dosage of components, mixing of components (the ratio of fiber of industrial hemp and pumpkin seeds is 1:1), hydration (hydromodulus 1:3, duration 15 minutes, temperature 30°C). At the same time, the following indicators of minced meat systems are ensured: moisture binding capacity at the level of 61%, moisture holding capacity – 75.5%, emulsion stability – 0.85 cm3. The technology is aimed at expanding the range of meat products of mass consumption with increased nutritional value. Enrichment of sausages with fiber from pumpkin seeds and industrial hemp helps to improve the functional properties of the products and ensures the formation of the necessary structural and mechanical properties. The use of processed pumpkin seeds and industrial hemp as raw materials for sausage production provides a solution to the problem of resource conservation in the food industry.

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