Construction technology of low-rise buildings with energy-efficient enclosing structures

Which priority area of ​​science and technology corresponds to: energy and energy efficiency; rational nature management

Research: applied.

Perspective of further implementation: will be continued as applied; will be continued as a scientific and technical development.

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine.

Patent availability: 7 patents of Ukraine.

What additional actions does further research require: continuation of research on the developed and development of new constructive solutions for enclosing structures.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

The project is aimed at the introduction of effective materials and developed structural and technological solutions for the building envelope of modern low-rise buildings. The development of new technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings with energy-efficient building envelopes is relevant.

As the main practical result of the study, recommendations were developed for determining effective organizational, technological, architectural and planning solutions for the construction of low-rise buildings with energy-efficient building envelopes. These recommendations make it possible to determine the optimal design-technological and architectural-planning solutions, depending on the factors that increase efficiency, by saving labor and financial resources, as well as reducing the duration of construction, developed design and technological solutions, with drawings, a description of technological operations and materials in the form of a technological map

The main advantages of the project:

  • ensuring modern regulatory requirements for resistance to heat transfer of enclosing structures with a significant reduction in the cost of labor and material costs compared to traditional solutions;
  • new constructive and technological solutions for enclosing structures, in particular multilayer ones, have been developed and justified to ensure the energy efficiency of buildings;
  • the most effective technology for the construction of energy-efficient enclosing structures was determined on the basis of a multi-criteria analysis;
  • a methodology was developed for modeling the construction processes of construction of low-rise buildings according to the selected technology in the form of information and graphic models, taking into account the influence of organizational and technological factors;
  • a technique for numerical optimization of organizational and technological solutions for construction was developed when determining the performance indicators of low-rise buildings using a new technology;
  • recommendations were developed for the use of new technologies for the construction of low-rise buildings with energy-efficient building envelopes, taking into account the optimization of organizational, technological and architectural and planning solutions for construction processes;

The results of the study make it possible to obtain a technical and economic effect, which consists in reducing the cost, labor intensity and duration of construction,

The estimated technical and economic efficiency of the project in comparison with the known solutions is to reduce the indicators, namely: reducing the duration of construction by 69-77%, reducing the cost of construction by 15-43% and reducing the labor intensity of construction by 11-32% at optimal levels of organizational and technological and architectural and planning factors.

Estimated technical and economic efficiency of the project, in comparison with known solutions, is to reduce indicators, with optimal levels of organizational, technological and architectural and planning factors, namely: cost reduction by 1.1-1.2 times (from 162.804-452.114 thousand . .UAH); reduction of labor costs by 1.3-1.5 times (from 1.11957-2.24767 thousand man-hours). The results are implemented by the enterprises of Odessa and the region.

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