Scientific basis for the design of compositions and structures of lightweight composite buoyancy materials for underwater means of ocean resource assimilation

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: Fundamental scientific research of the most important problems of development of scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure the competitiveness of Ukraine in the world and the sustainable development of society and the state. Fundamental problems of modern materials science

Research: fundamental

Prospect for further implementation: to be continued as a fundamental

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine;

Availability of a patent: available

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

An adequate mathematical model of the dependence of open porosity on foam glass manufacturing technology has been constructed. The analysis showed that the number of open pores increases with increasing temperature and foaming time. Therefore, it is recommended to manufacture buoyancy blocks at the lowest possible temperature. It should be noted that at T = 840°C it is impossible to produce foam glass with a density of less than 0.44 g/cm3.

On samples of buoyancy blocks, the process of surface water absorption and damage to the foam glass structure under hydrostatic compression was experimentally studied.

An experimental assessment of the damage of foam glass was made, at which the volume of destroyed pores was 5, 10, 20 and 30% of the volume of the sample. The dependence of the pressure level at which the corresponding pore volume is destroyed on technological factors – the amount of the blowing agent and the exposure time at the foaming temperature is found. At T = 840°C, the buoyancy block has a lower damageability, which makes it possible to take it optimal.

The maximum properties of foam glass are achieved with an amount of blowing agent of 2.6% and a holding time at a foaming temperature of 20 minutes. for all levels of destruction studied. At this technological point, the density is 0.68 g/cm3.

The results of the experiments made it possible to develop:

  • The enterprise standard for the parameters of the technological process for the manufacture of lightweight foam rock buoyancy material. STP 2.066753 – 12/25/19
  • A technique for predicting the operational characteristics of buoyancy blocks based on ceramic shells and foam glass.
  • Method for determining the change in the mechanical characteristics of spheroplasts under the influence of hydrostatic pressure.


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