Development of an optical infrasound sensor

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U002029.

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: fundamental scientific research on the most important problems of developing scientific, technical, socio-economic, socio-political, human potential to ensure Ukraine’s competitiveness in the world and sustainable development of society and the state.

Research: fundamental.

Funding source: free.

Perspective for further implementation: to be continued as applied.

Research level: no analogues in the world.

Patent: no.

What additional actions require further research: Implementation requires funding.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

Sensors and on-line processing algorithms for acoustic reconnaissance and signal systems have been developed. The proposed methods and algorithms are aimed at passive location of acoustic and seismic events and are characterized by lower labor costs and high sensitivity.

It has been studied that the definition of events according to the data of the two systems coincides by almost 97%. The advantage of the proposed experimental system is noted, which makes it possible to obtain results in real time without operator intervention.

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