R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0117U006808
Which priority area of science and technology does technology correspond to: Information and communication technologies.
Research: applied.
Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget
Perspective for further implementation in 2021-2022: to be continued as an applied
Research level: no analogues in the world.
Availability of a patent: 2 patents of Ukraine.
What additional actions require further research: continue further research and attract investors for development.
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
Main scientific results:
An algorithm for correcting the quality of color reproduction is proposed depending on the spectral distribution of the light source and color perception properties. This made it possible to achieve that the image quality was changed from the subjective assessment of “not acceptable” to the assessment of “good”.
The adaptation algorithm has been optimized by using nine reference colors and an interpolation method. This allowed us to save time by more than 2 times.
A compression algorithm based on the prediction of high-frequency components from low-frequency ones, the use of an adaptive quantization algorithm, etc., are proposed. These improvements in the compression algorithm made it possible to obtain a compression ratio of more than 100 times in relation to the known ones.
A computer model for analyzing the interference environment of a wireless communication network has been developed, which makes it possible to analyze the gain from the use of adaptive antenna arrays in comparison with standard base station antennas.
An algorithm for calculating tariffs for the implementation of adaptive technologies in civil systems has been developed.