R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: №DR 0118U000112
What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: Life sciences, new technologies for the prevention and treatment of the most common diseases.
Research: applied
Funding source: state budget funds
Research level: no analogues in Ukraine.
Availability of a patent: 2 patents of Ukraine.
What additional actions require further research: the results of the study will be used to improve the effectiveness of the treatment and prevention of dental diseases and the healthy nutrition of patients.
Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.
The relevance of the problem of optimizing fat nutrition, in particular, the ratio of essential fatty acids ɷ-6 and ɷ-3 in the diet is beyond doubt. So far, there is no data on their optimal ratio. Some researchers believe that it should be 6-8, the second: 4-5, and still others indicate the optimal ratio of 2-3. Therefore, the authors of the GDR devoted their research to determining the optimal ratio of ɷ-6/ɷ-3 PUFA in the diet, substantiation and development of a number of dietary fat preparations with an ɷ-6/ɷ-3 PUFA ratio of less than 4.
In fact, the fat diet of the population of Ukraine and most Western countries has a very high ratio of ɷ-6 / ɷ-3 PUFA – more than 15:1, which significantly increases the corresponding ratio for organs and tissues. Perhaps this is what causes the state of increased risk of developing non-communicable diseases (atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, type II diabetes, etc.). For the nutrition of the population of Ukraine, this situation is extremely relevant, since too much consumption of sunflower oil containing up to 60% 6-linoleic acid and a large ratio of 6-6/3-PUFA at the level of 600:1.
The implementation of the presented GDR ended with the proposal for research of three PUFA supplements with different ratios of ɷ-6/ɷ-3 in the composition. On models of excess or deficiency of alimentary fats, the positive effects of the developed PUFA preparations were established. And also found their shortcomings. Of the developed preparations, the dietary supplement “Liposan-Forte” from ɷ-6/ɷ-3 PUFA 0.62 was more effective.
Liposan-Forte reduces inflammation in the tissues of the oral cavity, and also reduces the ratio of ɷ-6 / ɷ-3 PUFA in liver lipids and blood serum of animals by 2-4 times. On the model of prednisolone osteopenia together with avitaminosis F in rats, the authors showed the high ability of Liposan_Forte to prevent a decrease in the density of the femur and lumbar vertebrae, the activation of enzymes that destroy bone tissue, exhibit an anti-inflammatory effect and improve micro, liver, and intestines.
It is important to emphasize that the authors of the GDR not only developed the formulations of these drugs, not only received official permission from the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for their use, but also implemented them in production.
According to its scientific and practical level, the GDR “Optimization of fat nutrition in healthy and obese patients, taking into account the ratio of ɷ-6 and ɷ-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids” deserves a high positive assessment.