Energy efficient positioning system for dual purpose vessels

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U001651

What priority area of ​​science and technology does it correspond to: energy and energy efficiency

Research: applied

Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine.

Patent: no

What additional actions require further research: additional funding for the development of a preliminary design of the power plant (SPP) of the combined propulsion complex (CPC) of ships.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

  1. Models of a ship power plant (SPP) of a combined propulsion complex (CPC) of ships are proposed, which can be used to determine technical and operational-economic indicators in projects to improve the efficiency of operation, modernization and re-equipment of ships of various types. The main difference from the known ones is the creation and use of control units for ship power equipment, taking into account the specifics of position stabilization of dual-purpose ships.
  2. The developed simulation models allow, in contrast to the existing ones, to obtain predictive economic and technical indicators that characterize the efficiency of the SPP operation in DP-modes for a given period of time, evaluate alternative options for building the SPP SPP of vessels with various types of propellers, compare technical characteristics and parameters, operational – economic indicators of the functioning of ships, take into account random dynamic disturbances that have a significant impact on the efficiency of the operation of the power plant.
  3. The developed software differs from the known solutions using the proposed calculation methods and allows, based on estimates of the resistance to movement, to determine the achievable freewheel speed, the load of the SPP in the DP mode, thrust, thrust, torque, fuel consumption and the required engine power in different modes of movement and position stabilization, calculate the hydrodynamic characteristics of fixed and controllable pitch propellers, propellers in nozzles, analyze solutions with multi-propeller variants of the PPC and perform design calculations of the characteristics of the power plant for the selected PPC, determine the type of PPC that provides the best integrated technical, operational and economic indicators when ships operate in given conditions.

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