Method for the treatment of unilateral amblyopia

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U103120

Planned field of application and specific site of application: healthcare facilities

Source of funding: funds from the general fund of the state budget

Level of innovation: no analogues in the world

Patent availability: Patent of Ukraine for utility model No. 143394, IPC (2020.01). A 61 C 7/00; A 61 K 6/00; A 61 R 1/00. Bull. No. 14.

Presence of an interested Customer: healthcare institutions

The innovation has been introduced into the clinical practice of the laboratory of binocular vision disorders and the polyclinic of the State Institution “Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after A.I. V.P. Filatov NAMS of Ukraine.

What additional actions require implementation: if the necessary equipment is available, additional funds for implementation are not needed.

Brief description, technical and economic parameters of advantages and positive qualities.

With positive dynamics in terms of increasing the visual acuity of the amblyopic eye and the absence of binocular vision disorders, the use of the specified ocludor continues until the amblyopic eye achieves normal visual acuity. If such treatment is not effective enough, a film with an even lower light transmission coefficient (i.e., more fogging) is used and such treatment is continued until the amblyopic eye reaches full visual acuity. If necessary, hardware pleoptic treatment is connected.

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