Development of technology for predicting meat and dairy productivity of farm animals from multidimensional information and statistical methods

R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0121U109492

What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: rational environmental management

Research: applied

Funding source: state budget; general fund of the state budget

Amount of financing: 100 – 500 thousand UAH. (UAH 360.0 thousand)

Year of study start: 2021

The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 2021-2022.

Looking forward to further implementation in 2022-2023: to be continued as an applied

Research level: no analogues in Ukraine

Availability of a patent: 1 patent of Ukraine.

Additional actions requiring further research: expanding the range of research and updating the material and technical base

Participation of the institution in the existing regional targeted and comprehensive programs:

Development strategy of the Mykolaiv region in the period up to 2027.

  1. Sustainable economic growth of a diversified economy. 1.1. Creation of new and modernization of existing enterprises in the real sector of the economy, development of the infrastructure of the region. 1.1.3. Development of agricultural production and processing of agricultural products.

Brief description, advantages, further prospects for application.

Analysis of the influence of the genotype of PMP heifers (homo- or heterozygous), regardless of the subtype to which it belongs, indicates that a significant difference was found only in two cases. This concerns the influence of the BM2113 locus on the live weight of heifers at the age of 15 months. and the influence of the BM1818 locus on the live weight of heifers at the age of 8 months. For four MS-DNA loci (BM2113, SPS115, ETH3 and BM1824), an association was found between the live weight of PMP heifers and the degree of heterozygosity. The most significant association with the individual measure d2 was noted among animals of the high-blooded subtype in relation to the SPS115 locus. In the context of individual traits, to the greatest extent, the relationship between the d2 measure was noted for live weight at birth, at weaning, and at the age of 15 months. In general, individual heterozygosity scores for 10 MS-DNA loci and mean multilocus d2 scores were weakly associated with live weight of southern beef heifers.

Live weight of heifers and measurements of physique partly influenced the sex of the litter at the time of the first calving. Bugais were more often born to firstborns who had a large body weight at the age of 9-18 months and large linear measurements of the body, which agrees with the Trivers-Willard hypothesis.

The sex of the litter affected the level of milk production, but probable differences were established only for the firstborns. Animals that calved as heifers were characterized by higher estimates of milk yield (both total for the entire lactation and for 305 days of lactation) compared to peers that calved as Bugai.

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