Installation of shock-periodic testing of floor coverings

The main proposals for discussion: adjusting the development to the requirements of the customer, conducting experimental studies, performing tests.

Sphere of implementation and application of the project (startup): construction, quality control of materials.

Scope of the project (startup): Development of new technologies for the production of materials, their processing and connection, the creation of an industry of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies.

Description of the project (startup): The device allows to study flat samples (floor coverings, underlays for laminate, underlays for floor panels) up to 100x100mm in size and up to 8mm thick. The study can be carried out with different frequency of strokes and with different pressure like. Replaceable intendors of the percussion mechanism of the installation make it possible to change the shape and area of contact with the test sample. The device is autonomous and can work without the supervision of a researcher.

Markets targeted by the project (startup): Enterprises, institutions, organizations on the territory of Ukraine and abroad.

Description of the problem solved by the project (startup): rapid diagnosis of flooring substrates; determination of the wear resistance of flooring substrates.

Technical result: Model sample.

Competitive advantages and novelty of the project (startup): the size of the studied samples is small (no need to “spoil” a large amount of material); rapid research (the installation in a few hours simulates the shock load, which is possible in real conditions for several years); autonomy.

At what stage is the project (startup): Breadboard sample.

Approximate cost for the implementation of the project (startup): UAH 1.2 million.


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