Modified graphene nanostructures for nanocomposites with improved performance characteristics

Purpose. Modified thermally reduced graphene oxide (MTRGO) is intended for the creation of nanocomposites with improved performance characteristics.

Specifications. Black powder with a particle size of 10–50 microns, the particles contain 1–5 carbon planes, the surface available for sorption is up to 1450 m2/h.

Content, %

  • carbon up to 94
  • oxygen up to 5
  • hydrogen to 1.

Application area. In the automotive, defense, aerospace and medical industries.

Advantages. There are no analogues in Ukraine. Unlike world analogues, it does not contain toxic substances and is used in ultra-low concentrations of MTVGO, consists of isolated carbon planes and contains oxygen, oxygen-hydrogen and hydrogen covalently bonded functional groups to increase the sorption capacity (1.6 times relative to the unmodified one). and also to create reliable bonds between graphene planes and polymer components. Does not contain toxic substances and can be used in biocompatible structures.

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