Use of new antibacterial packaging materials for the needs of the food and processing industry

Purpose. Development and implementation of technologies for the production, storage and processing of high-quality plant products. Creation of bactericidal composite materials that have antibacterial activity against gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram-negative (Escherichia coli) pathogenic microorganisms and can be used to produce antibacterial packaging for storing raw materials and food.

Application area. Food industry, processing industry, medicine, agriculture, retail chains involved in the sale and distribution of food products, catering.

Advantages. In terms of environmental safety, cost, and antibacterial activity, the developed bactericidal materials are 40% higher than traditional ones (created based on Argentum nanoparticles) and have no analogues in the world.

Description. Ensuring antibacterial protection of human objects in connection with the current environmental situation in the world is currently an urgent problem that needs to be solved immediately. The development is aimed at introducing into production environmentally friendly, economically viable, highly effective, bactericidal composite materials for various purposes for the needs of the food and processing industry, which will extend the shelf life, improve the transportation and competitiveness of food products.

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