Method for producing osteoconductive coatings for medical implants

Purpose. An original method has been developed for producing osteoconductive coatings for medical implants based on hydroxyapatite, which is the main component of bone tissue.

Application area. Medicine.

Advantages. Compared to traditional methods of producing coatings (vacuum technologies, plasma and thermal spraying, electrophoresis, sol-gel deposition, application using pulsed laser radiation), the proposed method has the following advantages:

  • the method is suitable for deposition on metal implants of various shapes and compositions;
  • direct deposition of hydroxyapatite onto the surface of substrates from aqueous solutions;
  • rapid deposition (from 10 to 60 minutes);
  • the possibility of obtaining composite coatings based on biopolymers and/or drugs and hydroxyapatite,
  • which makes it possible to bring the resulting material closer to bone tissue;
  • coatings have controlled phase composition, porosity and morphology.

Description. The method consists of low-temperature (up to 100 °C) application of coatings based on hydroxyapatite and biopolymers on the surface of implants of various shapes using external electromagnetic fields.

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