On June 19-21, 2024, an educational, practical and informational event “Grant opportunities of the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and support tools within the framework of the Horizon Europe Program” will take place

The event will take place in Uzhgorod at the Uzhgorod National University.

The event is organized for representatives of higher education, scientific institutions, small and medium-sized businesses, public organizations and anyone interested in opportunities from the National Research Foundation of Ukraine and the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation “Horizon Europe”.

The event will be held on June 19-21 in a hybrid format: participation is possible both in person and online.

Previous program:

June 20 (day one)

  1. Registration of participants.
  2. Congratulatory words from the rector of UzhNU and the executive director of NFGU.
  3. Working part I (myths and reality of NFGU work; institutional leadership of NFGU during the war; NFGU competitions: organizational support; opportunities for Ukrainian scientists within the framework of the Horizon
  4. Europe Program, ERC component; current competitions and opportunities within the “Civil Security for Society” cluster ).
  5. Break.
  6. Working part II (grant opportunities for business within the Horizon Europe Program; legal aspects of participation in the Horizon Europe Program; financial issues of participation in the Horizon Europe Program; master class on the
  7. Funding and Tenders portal).
  8. Session “Questions and answers”.
  9. Summing up the first day and networking.

June 21 (day two)

  1. Registration of participants.
  2. Working part I (organizational and legal aspects of the competitive selection of NFGU; administration of NFGU grants and monitoring of project implementation; NFGU strategy on open science; opportunities for Ukrainian researchers in the program component “Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions” (MSCA)).
  3. Break.
  4. Working part II (master class on creating a successful project application within the framework of the Horizon Europe Program).
  5. Session “Questions and answers”.
  6. Summing up the second day and networking.
  7. End of the event.

Please note: the number of places is limited, so participation is only possible by filling out the registration form. Detailed information with the program and the address where the event will take place will be sent to participants after registration.

Important! Registration is open until June 17 at 15:00 Kyiv time.
