Author: Iryna
Method for processing dyed cotton textile materials in order to provide a stable light-shielding effect
R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U100156 Year of study start: 2019 The total duration of the study (according to the…
The method of condensation of hydrocarbon vapors and installation for its implementation
Year of study start: 2019 Planned field of application and specific place of application: oil refining industry Source of funding:…
Development of predictive criteria for the search for hydrocarbon deposits in the Black Sea based on the theory of fluidogenesis
R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0119U002196 Year of study start: 2019 The total duration of the study: 3 years (01/01/2019…
Algorithmic and software support for solving the problem of choosing a technology for processing metal and surfaces of metal structures
R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0121U107831 Year of study start: 2021 The total duration of the study (according to the…
(Українська) Бути готовим до помилок, випробувань, понаднормової роботи й скепсису
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Upgraded coolant supply system
Year of study start: 2021 The total duration of the study (according to the plan): 1 year Planned field of…
Hardware-software complex for non-invasive monitoring of blood pressure and heart rate of dual purpose
R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0120U101266 Year of study start: 2020 The total duration of the study (according to the…
Analytical, computer and experimental studies of steel fiber reinforced concrete structures
What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: new substances and materials Research: applied Perspective for further…
Investigation of the possibilities of creating information hydroacoustic systems based on equalization algorithms adaptive to the variability of the characteristics of the marine environment for the tasks of ensuring the search for hydrocarbons
R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0117U000641 What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: fundamental scientific research…
Development of principles for remote monitoring of the marine environment using special mathematical models for the prevention of emergency situations
R&D registration number in UkrISTEI: 0117U000640 What priority area of science and technology does it correspond to: fundamental scientific research…