Differential conductometric system for biosensor analyzers

Purpose. Performing selective biochemical analysis of products and raw materials; development of promising research methods. Specifications: DC input voltage, V…

Renewable voltage converter

Purpose. To transfer energy from solar photovoltaic panels to individual consumers or an external electrical network. Specifications: DC input voltage,…

Multifunctional autonomous electric unit

Purpose. For autonomous power supply of consumers of single-phase voltage, charging batteries, starting internal combustion engines of vehicles. Specifications: Generator…

Significant measure of AC power scaling ratio

Purpose. It is used in the verification circuit of current measuring instruments. Specifications: The composition of the multivalued degree includes…

Silicon pressure transducers

Purpose. For extraction and transportation of energy resources, processing and distribution of resources in power engineering, measuring and control equipment….

Narrow band radiators for mid and far infrared.

Purpose. Due to the narrow emission line located in the middle and far infrared range, the emitters can be used…

Mobile combined photovoltaic / wind power station for autonomous power supply of electronic equipment

Purpose. Reliable, efficient, self-contained mobile device for powering and charging low-power equipment (laptops, smartphones, radio stations, thermal imagers, tablets, etc.)…

Dietary supplement “Polysorbplus”

Purpose. For detoxification of the body after poisoning and damage of various origins. Specifications. The dietary supplement “POLYSORBplus” is an…

Video System for monitoring and stabilizing the level of liquid metal during electron beam deposition (remelting)

Purpose. Automation of process control at installations for electron-beam remelting of titanium. Application area. Metallurgy. Engineering. Advantages. Compared with optical…

Intelligent lighting system

Purpose. To create a light environment with the ability to dynamically change the intensity and shades of light. Specifications: Dimensions,…